
Noises of the zone
Noises of the zone

noises of the zone

Only a single radio station broadcasts there, at a frequency beneath the antennas' working band. NPR ran an interesting tech piece today on life inside the quiet zone, and how regulating interference from man-made devices that can disrupt the antennas is growing more and more difficult. These sensitive instruments require complete radio silence, and the surrounding towns dutifully oblige.

noises of the zone

The zone contains two seperate research facilities equipped with massive antennas to comb the heavens for pinpricks of radiation emanating from distant stars, as well as conduct surveillance on foreign signals. But that's exactly what the 13,000 square mile National Radio Quiet Zone in rural Virginia and West Virginia is set aside to be. It's hard to believe there's a place inside the United States without a single wireless devices.

Noises of the zone